Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Are you SleepWalking

We live surrounded by things that tantalize and tempt and satisfy our senses so delectably we forget that our spirits are as equally insatiable. We start making those big dollars, and can afford the luxury cars, houses in the suburbs, exotic vacations, high end apparel and forget we came from the slums. We forget the struggles of our parents. We forget the struggle of their parents. We forget our own struggles to get out of whatever hood, ghetto, and/or dysfunctional household we were brought up in. Some of us become SleepWalkers. Life is sooo good it's easy to forget the struggle. All the things that are important. As we make that climb to the top of our selective mountains we forget the pain and struggle upon reaching the Summit. We forget the people we were forced to leave behind to get there. When we had nothing we were easily in remembrance of  our Creator, of Karma, we had to be in order to keep the faith that things would get better.

Don't be a sleep walker. Wake Let this be a wake up call to you. Karma is a motherfucka, and will come get your ass. Don't let the media make you think you are safe because you attained what they deem as success. Don't let the authorities make you complacent with their injustices towards other because you got your shit straight and don't what happens to someone else hasn't happened to you. You get right law authority figure on the wrong day and you can be one of the masses who's shit ain't straight. Money can't solve all things.It's all an illusion. And injustice to one person, is an injustice to all. Careful you don't attain true consciousness of what's going on around here and find yourself bound & gagged.

1984 was a fictional story, but we aren't far off. Wanna take a domestic flight from EWR to ATL? Be prepared to have a complete body scan at the airport, and if you don't submit you better allow them to do a full body search or miss your plane and possibly face a fine. Wanna cash a check at a bank you don't have an account at? Be prepared to give them your fingerprint or leave empty handed. Wanna get a new job? Fuck a piss test, be prepared for them to make you submit to a credit check as well. Oh, it doesn't stop there. And it won't not so long as well don't become aware.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's Election Day

It seems there is no honor in politics these days. I'm so dismayed at the quality of choices  I have in my area, and their methods of obtaining support that I am seriously considering voting G.R.I.P (Get Rid of Incumbent  Politicans) this evening when I go to the polls for my district.

As I sit here typing this blog post, I receive a phone call (the 6th in a week) from 732 750-5580 with someone one the line on behalf of my union wanting to know who I plan to vote for. Now, I've told them on the first call to remove me from their calling list. I do NOT pay union dues for them to use my money wastefully on political endeavors such as this. I do not appreciate them attempting to influence my vote.

Not only have I received calls from my Union, but also from supporters of  the politicians for my district that are running for office. I've gotten calls from volunteers in DC, & NJ on my home and cell phones. I feel bombarded with so much propoganda that they think if the issues are clouded I wont see through the mist and draw my own conclusions.

I've had pamphlets come in the mail, and left on my front door. I want to leave a laminated note on my front door at home stating If you leave political propoganda at this address rest assured we will not be casting our Vote in your favor.

I want to call the radio station and say Dear politician, I don't care how much mud you sling on your opponent, I don't care how much you try to influence my decision -- it's still my decision.  And I'm going to make it on my own. I don't care that when I registered to vote at 18 I said I was a democrat. I will easily vote for a Republican, Independent, or Libertarian should I decide they are more qualified than you.